Advanced Research Workshop Functional Nanostructures and Sensors for CBRN Defence and Environmental Safety and Security “FNS-CBRN Defence - 2018”


May 14 - 17, 2018, Chisinau, Moldova

Workshop is organized in frame of the NATO “SCIENCE for PEACE and SECURITY PROGRAMME”, it will be held in the capital of the Moldova Republic, Chisinau city, on May 14-17, 2018. The workshop will gather leading experts working in different areas to share their expertise and experience concerning the complex and important problem: Environmental Protection and prevention measures against one of the most dangerous threats of the 21st century - Terrorism. Further information is available on the webpage of the meeting:
We appreciate your participation, looking forward to meet you at the “FNS-CBRN Defence – 2018”. The manuscript of your presentation, prepared conform the template, should be presented before 01.05.2018 in the program committee. A half-page abstract of the presentation (oral or poster) should be sent to the organizing committee before 01.04.2018 to be included in the abstract-book of the ARW.
Place and date of the official opening of the ARW:
Blue Conference Hall of the Academy of Sciences, Bul. Ştefan cel Mare,1, Chişinau, Republic of Moldova
15TH of May 2018, at 9:00
Workshop Co-Directors:
Prof.Dr.Horst Hahn, Institute of Nanotechnology KIT, Germany
Prof.Dr.Anatolie Sidorenko, Institute of Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies, Moldova
Serviciul de Presă al AȘM