President of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova Acad. Gheorghe DUCA has been elected as member of the All European Academies Board (ALLEA)


For the first time ALLEAs leadership has been completed with a representative from the Republic of Moldova, as well as from Eastern Partnership country in general. The candidacy of the President of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova was supported by the former President of ALLEA Prof. Gunter Stock (Germany), newly elected President Antonino Loprieno (Switzerland), Professor Felix Unger, President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts and by the presidents of the academies from Armenia, Belarus, Latvia, Turkey, Estonia, Ukraine etc.

The high appreciation granted to the President of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova by ALLEA members reflects the recognition for the innovative management model of the scientific community in the Republic of Moldova, for performances obtained at European level, thanks to which the international visibility of our country in research and in promotion and implementation of policies considerably increased.

Thus, thanks to the efforts of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova undertaken in the process of association to the European Unions Research and Innovation Programme - FP7 and current European Research Framework Programme - HORIZON 2020, as well as to the efficient management of the national activities in the research-innovation system, only in the period from 2014 to 2017, the Republic of Moldova succeeded to submit about 300 project proposals elaborated with the participation of 142 organizations (research and higher education institutes, NGOs, SMEs, public and private agencies), of which 35 projects have been supported by the European Commission with a funding volume of over 5 mln. of EUR.

With these achievements, the Republic of Moldova has become the leader of the Eastern Partnership countries ranking of indicators in the field, exceeding several times, relative to the number of inhabitants, other countries from the EaP, associated to the mentioned Program.

It is worth mentioning that the election of the new structure of the ALLEA Management Board took place on May 17, 2018 at the 19th General Assembly, hosted by the Academy of Sciences of Bulgaria, in the context of Bulgarian European presidency. For the ALLEA Board election, 17 Academies from European countries have submitted their candidatures.

We reiterate, ALLEA was founded in 1994 and today holds 60 Academy of Sciences and Knowledge Societies from 40 countries in Europe. The Federation contributes to the promotion of scientific excellence at European level and positions itself as the EU strategic consultant in developing solutions to the challenges in the European Research Area.

The cooperation between the Academy of Sciences of Moldova and ALLEA has intensified with the adoption in 2004 of the Code on Science and Innovation, which created the necessary premises for the internationalization of national research.

On the occasion of obtaining the status of a member of the ALLEA Board, we express our sincere congratulations to the President, Academician Gheorghe DUCA, wishing new achievements in promoting national science internationally.

Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova