ALLEA Statement is supported by the Academy of Sciences of Moldova


The Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova expresses its concern in connection with alarming tendencies mentioned in the Statement of the All Union Academies (ALLEA) from August 21st and fully shares the viewpoint of ALLEA regarding the created situation, particularly concerning the subject of Gender Studies in Hungary. We consider that the problems of scientific research, no matter how complicated and delicate, can be solved only through direct dialogue between the competent authorities of the state and the scientific community, without affecting the autonomy of the Academies of Sciences and other public institutions dealing with research and education. We are convinced that the Academy of Sciences of Hungary, having a history of nearly two hundred years and remarkable successes, will continue to be a reference institution on the European and international levels.

Academician Gheorghe DUCA
President of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, ALLEA Board member